help! advocacy resources needed fast

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at
Thu Mar 6 20:53:05 EST 2003

Quoting Cameron Laird (claird at
> On alternate hours, I feel like giving up the fight.
> Struts with, say, Tomcat, is an entirely realistic ap-
> proach.  This isn't because Sun says so, or because 
> Java is something other than object-oriented Cobol.
> It's more that Struts gives a lot of serious function-
> ality, and people who like Struts are unlikely to get
> the point of Python's far more light-weight (in a good
> sense) style.

I sometimes do, too. The thing that I keep coming back to is that I
know (a) our development timeframe is going to expand dramatically on
a per cycle basis and (b) the rest of the business is going to be very
slow to accept that new fact of life, resulting in a lot of short term
(next 6 months) pressure to achieve the impossible and maybe (c) the
company's agility, til now a real asset to the corporation, will
decline as we become less able to take a product to market in a rapid

So, I want to fight, and every time I feel like giving up, I remind
myself: I want to fight. I think I might be convincing people. But
it's going to be a struggle, because the marketing not only /works/,
but it's /proven/.

I think everybody's responses have been very helpful. I think the
repeated reminders that rewriting is rarely the best option, and that
it's more likely we're overlooking the correct optimization path in
favor of the "chuck it and do something new" path. These things are
important, and they resonate with wisdom.

That doesn't mean I'm not interested in more, better numbers or more,
better arguments.

Thanks again -- everyone's been fantastic.

Geoff Gerrietts                <geoff at gerrietts net>
"I have read your book and much like it." --Moses Hadas

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