Puedo Code help

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Tue Mar 18 16:11:05 EST 2003

Steve schreef op dinsdag 18 maart om 22:01:50 +0000:
> Be gentle.  I'm learning Python, but don't know how to approach a project.
> I would like to parse out some data in my email / web server (linux) box.

If you are trying to extract data from a Mailbox:

If you are trying to extract email from an email account:

If you are trying to parse information from a website:

If you are trying to write HTML data, you can use print but HTMLgen might help:

> For instance, are there modules that can help with this? I would love to
> output the results to a web page.  Can Python interface with MRTG?

I don't know what MRTG is, so I can't help you on that one...

> Maybe I'm being too vague, but I just need ideas to go into a direction.

I hope the links above help. Even if they don't, you might find hints or
even answers <w> when surfing around in the online documentation, of which
the first three links are a part.


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