PEP 308: an additional "select/case" survey option

A. Lloyd Flanagan alloydflanagan at
Wed Mar 5 11:34:28 EST 2003

cummingscs at (Steven Cummings) wrote in message news:<mailman.1046832128.766.python-list at>...
> Will this syntax be pursued separately if it does not become the lead nomination for PEP308? I wouldn't mind seeing both this switch-case syntax in addition to what I've already selected in the PEP308 vote.

I agree.  It seems to me that a good select statement (not some
crippled one like C's switch) could be very useful.  I don't see the
suggested syntax as a particulary good solution for PEP 308-type
problems, but for other uses.

Both of these are attempts to deal with some of the ugliness of
if/elif/else constructs.  Is there some better general solution out

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