Debug python for Windows?

Tim Peters at
Tue Mar 25 13:41:45 EST 2003

[Sean Slattery]
> Actually - the building bit is documented well enough (although I
> will admit I didn't know about the Build->Batch... option in MSVC),
> it's the installation that I was hoping for more direction on.

Hmm.  You didn't mention installation last time, and I'm unclear on your
meaning.  If you're just trying to test code, installation in any
conventional sense isn't needed:  the Python you just built runs fine from
the PCBuild directory.  No file copying, moving, or registration is needed.
If you're building extension modules of your own, it's conventional to plant
a copy of their DLLS in the PCbuild directory too (so the freshly built
Python there can find them).

> I'll just try to make it look like other installations of Python I've
> seen:
> * create a top level Python directory and put the .exe's in there
> * create a Python\libs and put the *.lib in there
> * create a Python\DLLs directory and put the *.pyd and *.dll in there
> * create a Python\include and put the *.h in there
> etc. etc.

You could do that too, if you like.

> I suspect there are some environment variables I need to set too

The PLabs Python distribution doesn't need any envars set, nor does it need
any registry settings.

> - in order to get wxPython to compile ...

That one I don't know anything about.

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