Check for programs that are in full screen mode

Robin Munn rmunn at
Mon Mar 31 13:18:09 EST 2003

Joe Aspelund <DarkPhantom at> wrote:
> I am relatively new to python but still know a few things. I am in the
> attempt to write a program that causes a window to pop-up. But I do
> not what this to happen if the user is in a program that uses the full
> screen such as a game. If anyone knows if in python or another
> language I can use that can determine this. I appreciate any help I
> can get.

What operating system are you talking about? That's sort of important to
say, because any answers you receive are going to be OS-dependant. I'm
guessing Windows, in which case I won't be able to help you. The one
time I tried serious Windows programming I think I swore more often in a
single month (usually at the poor quality of the documentation) than I
normally do in an entire year. Usually along the lines of "What the
<bleep> were they thinking?" I won't do that (attempt any serious
programming in Windows) ever again if I have any choice in the matter. :-(

Robin Munn <rmunn at>
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