Flying With Python (Strong versus Weak Typing)

lynx none at
Tue Mar 11 12:07:11 EST 2003

On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 21:02:34 +0000, Hasoob  ahs wrote:

> In an interview at Guido
> van Rossum was asked if "he would be comfortable enough with the
> robustness of Python systems to fly on an airplane in which ALL the
> control software was written in Python". Guido's answer was clear but
> I would like to hear from other Python programmers.

i know something about your average civilian airplane, and how hard/easy
it is to control even if it were to lose most of its electronics. i'd be
comfortable, yes.

i've also read some stories about what sort of certification process
avionics software has to go through, and what sort of development
processes and documentation demands are placed on such; i think i might be
comfortable flying even were the plane programmed in QBasic.
well, under VFR conditions, anyway. ;-)

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