ANN: Leo 3.11b1 outlining editor

Andrea Galimberti andrea_galimberti at
Tue Mar 4 08:11:09 EST 2003

Edward K. Ream wrote:
 >I hope these hints will be enough for you to do what you want.  I'll be
 >happy to answer further questions if you get stuck.  When you get 
 >that works please post your solution here.  Thanks.

Thank you for your hints. I completed the new version of the plugin. Now 
  if the node contents are changed in the outline the temporary file is 
discarded, recreated and opened in VIM.

Here I have pasted the output of the "Write @file nodes" command. Hope 
this format is suitable for you.

\bye, Andrea

----------- plugin ---------------


#@@language python
#@<< mod_vim declarations >>
#@+node:1::<< mod_vim declarations >>
"""vim handler"""

# Contributed by Andrea Galimberti.

#  To use this plugin do the following:
# - Start VIM as server: vim --servername "VIM"
#   The name of the server *must* be "VIM".
# - Single-click on a node's icon to open that node in VIM.
# - Leo will update the node in the outline when you save the file in VIM.

from leoPlugins import *
from leoGlobals import *
import os,tempfile

#@-node:1::<< mod_vim declarations >>

def open_in_vim (tag,keywords):
	if top():

		# find dictionary with infos about this node
		this=filter(lambda x: id(x['v'])==id(v), app().openWithFiles)
		# retrieve the name of the temporary file (if any)
		if this != []:

		if os.path.exists(path):
			# get previous node contents
			except AttributeError:

			# if something changed
			if v.bodyString() != old:
				# delete old temp file
				# remove old temp file from list
				app().openWithFiles=filter(lambda x: x['path']!=path, app().openWithFiles)
				# update old body with new contents

		# open the node in vim (note the space after --remote)
		top().frame.OnOpenWith(("os.system", "vim --remote ", None))


if 1: # Register the handlers...
	registerHandler("iconclick2", open_in_vim)
	es("...vim v1.2")



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