Text Editor with wxPython

Robert Amesz sheershion at mailexpire.com
Mon Mar 24 15:13:14 EST 2003

Franz Steinhäusler wrote:

> Hello Newsgroup,
> I'd like to write a small text editor with wxPython.
> How would you program a simple, but extensible editor?

I wouldn't: I'd use the wxStytledTextCtrl class which is already in the 
wxPython library. There are plenty of examples of how to use it in the 
demo code, and you could also dissect pyCrust.

I'm certain you'll find this to be a much more productive approach. Re-
inventing the wheel might be fun, but it's still only a wheel. To make 
anything as sophisticated as the wxStytledTextCtrl - which wraps the 
excellent Scintilla editor widget - takes a huge effort, time better 
spent in tweaking the wxStytledTextCtrl to do exactly what you want.

Robert Amesz

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