Perl Vs Python

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at
Thu Mar 6 17:51:03 EST 2003

Matija Papec <mpapec at> pisze:

>>>If you are interested, there is really nice book about text processing 
>>>in Python (I don't remember URL :().
>>			.
>>			.
>>Sean McGrath's *XML Processing with Python*?
> Yes, but anyway who would pick Python over Perl(or Ruby?) for text
> processing? <evil grin> :)

I do. The first day I saw iSeries I asked the question: "is any fancy
language available for this beast?" and a guy from IBM answered "yes,
there's REXX...". "No!", I replied, "You must be kidding, you really
call REXX a fancy language? Gosh, you must be one of those funny
creatures, that still love Fortran and use Perl to manipulate XML files
like usual text files..." I love this beast, it's really fantastic
machine, unless you want to do anything interactively. ;)

Jarek Zgoda                        JID:zgoda at

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