embedding Python in Python

Kasper Souren Kasper.Souren at ircam.fr
Mon Mar 3 21:32:59 EST 2003


Maybe this has been done or asked before, but with Google I couldn't find
anything about it.

I want to make an interface from TeXmacs to Python (and later IPython). I
translated the C++ example (mycas.cc) into mycas.py and it works fine. But
now I want to embed (..or call it what you like..) a Python interpreter in

Thus I would like to be able to write something like:

	py_interpreter_instance = Python_Embedded_Interpreter()
	output_string = py_interpreter_instance.execute(command_string)
	py_stdout, py_stderr = py_interpreter instance.execute(command_string)

I took a look at IPython's code, which implements something similar. It works
by trapping the stdout and stderr, but I hope that there is a nicer way to
do this...

I wouldn't mind writing the Python_Embedded_Interpreter class myself. I played 
with the idea of simply using eval() but eval("print") doesn't even work as 


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