Some pythonic advice needed

andrew cooke andrew at
Sun Jun 1 13:48:29 EDT 2003

i think you need something like the following (although you need to
extend it with scores, questions, etc.)

note that in my examples the two languages here are "digits" and
"words".  i use spanish and english just so that i have several
different words for the same value...!

andrew at tonto:~/src/python$ ./
translations of one are ['1', '1.0']
translations of 1 are ['one', 'un']
translations of two are ['2']
translations of 2 are ['two', 'dos']
known digits: ['1', '2', '1.0']



class MultiDict:

    def __init__(self):
        self.dict = {}

    def set(self, key, value):
        if not self.dict.has_key(key): self.dict[key] = []

    def get(self, key):
        return self.dict[key]

    def keys(self):
        return self.dict.keys()

class Translations:

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a_name = a
        self.b_name = b
        self.aToB = MultiDict()
        self.bToA = MultiDict()

    def addPair(self, a, b):
        self.aToB.set(a, b)
        self.bToA.set(b, a)

    def toA(self, b): return self.bToA.get(b)
    def toB(self, a): return self.aToB.get(a)

    def allA(self): return self.aToB.keys()
    def allB(self): return self.bToA.keys()

t = Translations("digits", "names")
t.addPair("1", "one")
t.addPair("1", "un")
t.addPair("1.0", "one")
t.addPair("1.0", "un")
t.addPair("2", "two")
t.addPair("2", "dos")

print "translations of", "one", "are", t.toA("one")
print "translations of", "1", "are", t.toB("1")
print "translations of", "two", "are", t.toA("two")
print "translations of", "2", "are", t.toB("2")
print "known digits:", t.allA()


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