OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?

Hans Nowak zephyr01 at
Wed Jun 25 20:26:00 EDT 2003

Roel Vanhout wrote:
> He says, in Dutch, literally translated: I am Guido van Rossum and I 
> imitate Woody Woodpecker (and then makes the Woody sound). The 
> background to this is that there was a program on Dutch television, 10 
> or more years ago, that was about cartoons and there was a part where 
> kids (between something like 4 and 8 years old) could imitate their 
> favourite cartoon character. They usually introduced themselves by 
> saying their name, who they were imitating, and then did the imitation. 
> It was very popular at the time - even after hearing the 1000th bad 
> imitation of Donald Duck, there was something to it. It was something of 
> a running joke at the time to imitate cartoon characters, usually 
> introduced by saying one's name, to make the connection with the tv 
> program. Can't remember what the program was called though, anyone?

"Wordt vervolgd"?

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