GUI in Windows

Afanasiy abelikov72 at
Thu Jun 5 03:49:31 EDT 2003

On Wed, 28 May 2003 13:15:02 -0700, morden <morden at> wrote:

>Suppose I need to do some GUI on Windows. My understanding is that 
>pythonTk is flaky on Windows. My top requirement is
>that the toolkit is robust. The second requirement
>is that the widget set is large.
>I don't need anything fancy though,
>buttons, comboboxes, widgets for entering text/integers/date/time/etc,
>tables, groups, top and pull down menus.
>If it's portable it's a plus.
>Again, I want something with extensive track record and _very stable_
>like pythonTk wrapper on UN*X platforms.

I just want to say it's hilarious how many questions this question brings.

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