Variable Modifications in a class

Mehta, Anish Anish.Mehta at
Tue Jun 3 14:09:04 EDT 2003

  Thanks for the explaination.  That point is clear and also one thing 
more is that when we have the same piece of code in c , and when we do 
'c = b' then copy constructor is invoked. So in c with the same(likely) 
piece of code we have differnt output from python. I would like to know 
is there any way with which i can write the code in python for the C 
code like below.
I am writing a program in python which is already written in C and in 
that lot of instances are modifying the variables of the some structure 
like this:

typedef struct ab
       int a;
       int b;

  AB b;
  AB c;

  b.a = 5;
  b.b = 10;

  c = b;

  c.a = 30;
  c.b = 40;

  printf("AB values %d %d\n", b.a, b.b);
  printf("New values %d %d\n", c.a, c.b);

The output is:

AB values 5 10
New values 30 40

>So let's run through your function line by line
> def func(ab):
>    b = ab()
>This creates a new AB object, the first one.
>It also creates the name "b", and binds it to the new AB object.
>    c = ab()
>This also creates a new (and different) AB object, the second one.
>It also creates the name "c", and binds it to the second AB object.
>    b.a = 5
>Set the "a" member of the AB object *referred to* to by "b" to 5
>    b.b = 10
>Set the "b" member of the AB object *referred to* to by "b" to 10
>    c = b
>Make the name "c" refer to whatever "b" refers to
>(in this case, the *first* AB object).
>Note also that you now have no way of getting at the second AB 
>object, since you have no reference to it. It has fallen into the
>garbage heap, and will be recycled eventually.
>   c.a = 30
>Set the "a" member of the AB object referred to by c (i.e. the first AB
>object) to 30
>   c.b = 40
>Set the "b" member of the AB object referred to by c (i.e. the first AB
>object) to 40
>I think you will understand the behaviour better now.

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