reinventing the web server

Jon Ribbens jon+usenet at
Wed Jun 18 04:38:36 EDT 2003

In article <mailman.1055899117.6818.python-list at>, Simon Wittber (Maptek) wrote:
> All I want is access to the session, form and querystrings and some
> server variables.

Personally (and I'm biased ;-) ) I would recommend using jonpy...
You can start out using normal CGI for development work and then if
you need higher performance you can move to FastCGI or mod_python
without needing to change any of your existing code. jonpy comes with
templating stuff and so on ("wt") but you don't have to use that part
if you don't want to, you can just stick to the Servlet-like CGI
interface if you want.

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