Updating to Python 2.2.3

Gerhard Häring gh at ghaering.de
Sun Jun 22 14:14:40 EDT 2003

дамјан г. wrote:

>>I would like to update Python 2.2.2 to the newest version (2.2.3). Do I
>>have to uninstall the older version first? Do i have to reinstall all
>>the side-packages (VPython, wxPython etc.)? I'm running Windoze XP.
> In Linux I've installed 2.2.3 over 2.2.1 and everything is working, even
> modules written in C like cx_Oracle,MySQLdb, PyQT etc...

Sure, given Python versions a.b.c and x.y.z with (a == b) and (b == y), 
they're guarantee'd to be binary compatible. With a != x, the Python 
developers try to keep binary compatibility, but it's sometimes not 

The reason this doesn't work on Windoze is AFAIK that the extension 
module is linked to a specific DLL, so either python22.dll or python23.dll.

-- Gerhard

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