CGI question: safe passwords possible?

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at
Sun Jun 1 06:35:17 EDT 2003

I would like to thank you all for filling up some vacuums in my

I was already experimenting with httplib and urllib2 modules to see if
I can do HTTP Digest authentication but this is all very cumbersome
and not compatible among hosts (as far as I understand).  But my
conclusion is so much simpler that all this!  If you really want
security, use HTTPS.  That is HTTP over a SSL connection (one of the
many things I did not know).  Just let your host turn your whole site
into HTTPS and then you are secure.  The *great* advantage is that you
do not have to change a single line of code in your prototype that
works with plain HTTP.  That one has "user" and "password" fiels that
are sent in the open, but who cares?  It's only a prototype.  If there
is real money involved get HTTPS.

Simple, nice, elegant.

Am I right?  Is it true, the part about not having to change your HTML
and CGI code?  Well, except for some URLs in them maybe, but they
could be stored in a separate configuration file.  I mean, you maybe
have to change things like http://yourhost/yourloginpage.html to
http://yourhost/yourloginpage.shtml or something?

Anyway, thanks again.  This made my work a lot simpler!

One of the great skills in using any language is knowing
what not to use, what not to say.  ... There's that
simplicity thing again.
                -- Ron Jeffries

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