Capture DOS error???

Stan Cook scook at
Thu Jun 19 01:41:34 EDT 2003

I'm writing a script which at some point will map to a list of servers.  The
program will be keeping a log of problems it encounters to be reviewed
later. To map the drive, I am using:

sDrive =
iIndex = 0
shellCmd = ""
    for s in sImage:  # list of servers
        shellCmd =  "map " + sDrive[iIndex] + ":=" + s
        iIndex=iIndex + 1

My question is this...Is there a way to capture the DOS error it would
display if it had a problem mapping the server?  I want to detect the
exception if there is one and write it to the log file.  I have tried using
OSError, SystemError, and StandardError without success.  I'm not
necessarily looking for someone to write the code for me as much as pointing
me in the right direction.


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