wxPython.Fit() is funky.

Tom Plunket tomas at fancy.org
Wed Jun 25 18:57:38 EDT 2003

(Is this an appropriate place to ask wxPython questions?)

Here's some code (line breaks put in without testing them, I'm
kinda a newbie hope they're ok):


from wxPython.wx import *

class MyFrame(wxFrame):
    def __init__(self, size):
        wxFrame.__init__(self, NULL, -1, "Test Window")
        self.panel = wxPanel(self, -1, size = size)
        print '\ninitial size of panel is:', \
            self.panel.GetSize(), "and the window is:", \
        print 'after a Fit(), size of panel is:', \
            self.panel.GetSize(), "and the window is:", \
        print '\nIf I manually set the client size, it works:'
        print '\tsize of panel is:', self.panel.GetSize(), \
            "and the window is:", self.GetSize()
        print '\nBut isn\'t this what the Fit call is ' + \
              'supposed to do?'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print '\n***************************************************'
    print 'The panel should be 640x480, and the window ' + 
          'should fit it tightly.'
    frame = MyFrame((640, 480))
    print '*****************************************************'


Ok, so this code here, when executed in WinXP, prints different
values after thet self.Fit() call than I want.  I set the panel
size explicitly, and then self.Fit() changes the dimensions of
both self *and* self.panel.  Why?  Wouldn't the documentation
indicate that it only changes the 'self' parameter passed in to
Fit()?  That's what it says to me:

: wxWindow::Fit
: virtual void Fit()
: Sizes the window so that it fits around its subwindows. This 
: function won't do anything if there are no subwindows.

It doesn't seem to imply that child windows will be changed to do
this fitting...  Unfortunately, this behavior means that Fit() is
nearly useless for me.  I just started doing this wx and Python
stuff, and every window that I create in my recent project needs
to be sized based on the content.  The way Fit() works is making
me actually compute the size of the content myself.  It's not
hard, but it is tedious when the library tells you that this
functionality is available.

Apologies if this is off-topic (responses/flames can be directed
straight to me if it is), and thanks for any help.


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