insert thousands separators

gyro gyromagnetic at
Mon Jun 16 16:36:30 EDT 2003

Nick Vargish wrote:
> Gerhard Häring <gh at> writes:
>>So if you only want to print the fractional value, str() will do
>>fine. But str() won't make floats capable of representing arbitrary
>>numbers, either ;-)
> If I really cared about floats, I could str(fval).split('.') -- after
> checking for floatness, of course. But since I don't care about
> floats, I'm gonna let it ride for now -- until it bites me in some
> other context. :^)
> Nick

How about the ugliness below for floating point numbers?



def include_separator(val,thous_sep=',',dec_sep='.'):
     """Format a floating point number so that it has thousands 


     import re

     snum = str(val)

     # regular expression for a general floating point number 

     num_regex = re.compile(''' 

       (?P<msign>[-+])?                          # perhaps a leading 
       ((?P<mnum>[0-9]+)(?P<mfrc>\%s?[0-9]*)|    # a number, a 
separator, and a decimal part
       (?P<mdec>\%s[0-9]+))                      # or just a separator 
and decimal part
       (?P<mexp>[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?                # and perhaps an 
       ''' % (dec_sep,dec_sep), re.VERBOSE)

     msrch =

     # find out which pieces of the general floating point number 

     # were found in the target 

     if msrch:
         ms =
         msign = ms('msign') or ''
         mnum = ms('mnum') or ''
         mexp = ms('mexp') or ''
         mfrc = ms('mfrc') or ''
         mdec = ms('mdec') or ''

         # put thousands separator in place in the whole number piece 

         if mnum:
             if int(mnum) == 0: mnum = '0'
             cc = []
             rnum = list(mnum)
             i = 1
             for dig in rnum:
                 if i % 3 == 0 and i != len(rnum): cc.append(thous_sep)
                 i += 1
             mnum = ''.join(cc)

     # reassemble the pieces 

     fnum = msign + (mnum + mfrc or mdec) + mexp

     return fnum

if __name__ == "__main__":
     print include_separator('-12345.234') 

     print include_separator('-000000.00234') 

     print include_separator('-0.00234') 

     print include_separator(12345) 

     print include_separator('-12345,234e4','.',',') 

     print include_separator('1.234') 

     print include_separator('-123.234') 

     print include_separator('-123456,234','.',',')

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