Dear oh dear.....

Carsten Gehling carsten at
Tue Jun 10 22:50:35 EDT 2003

Consider this a hate-mail. At least one of the gentle kind...

I'm currently working on YAPP (Yet Another PHP Project). I'm quite new to
Python and haven't really made any real projects in Python yet. Still while
working on the YAPP I find myself occasionally thinking: "Oh, if this was
done in Python, I could now do
<insert-nifty-feature-that-PHP-does-not-support-here>". Now this is an old
project, so I cannot switch it to Python at this stage.

Shame on you all for putting a splinter in my otherwise determined mind -
especially you MaxM.

My next project will be Python, surely....

- Carsten
"If nothing sticks to teflon, how did they stick it to the pan?"

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