Tk vs wxPython ?

Greg Ewing (using g2h5dqi002 at
Sun Jun 8 21:29:04 EDT 2003

Aurélien Géron wrote:
> ** Why isn't Python shipped with wxPython instead of Tk ? **
> Any comments on this ? Anyone else want to vote ?

In my opinion, neither Tk nor wxWindows (or any other gui
I've seen wrapped for Python so far) deserves to be blessed
as an official Python gui. They're all too un-Pythonic in
one way or another.

If anything of this sort is to go in the standard library,
it should have an API that is designed for Python from
the ground up. It should also preferably have an implementation
that's efficient and unbloated. Small is beautiful!

The current state of my thoughts on how to achieve this
can be found at

The project has been languishing for a while, I'm sorry
to say, but I haven't abandoned it, and I hope to get back
to it as soon as Pyrex is bashed into shape...

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,	
Christchurch, New Zealand

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