Tk vs wxPython ?

Paul McNett p at
Thu Jun 5 12:20:17 EDT 2003

Cliff Wells writes:

> wxPython would be preferred over pygtk because it has been ported to
> more platforms.  

wxPython is still in active development, no? MacOSX is definitely not ready 
yet, at least.

> pyqt would be problematic for people not developing
> open source projects.

FWIW, the cost issue can be mitigated by buying the BlackAdder IDE 
(, which comes with (somewhat limited) commercial 
Qt licenses for Windows and Unix (not Mac, but PyQt doesn't support Mac yet 
anyway, and the license would still cover a Mac/X11 (ie Unix) 
distribution). It also comes with a PyQt license. Cost for BlackAdder is 
under $400, compared to purchasing the Qt Licenses for $1200 - $2000 per 
platform. There may be options other than BlackAdder, and it should be 
noted that the BlackAdder Qt license only applies to distributing Python 
code - you wouldn't be able to do C++ this way.

I tried Tkinter and then PyQt. I fully intended to try wxPython, but fell in 
love with PyQt, which is mature and stable other than the lack of 
deployment to native MacOSX. Tkinter does have the benefit of being easily 
portable, but it is kind of sluggish, doesn't look that great, and all that 
lambda stuff is difficult for me to grasp. PyQt documentation, as 
distributed by the BlackAdder folks, is also very good.

Paul McNett

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