filedescriptor out of range in select()

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Jun 26 09:23:18 EDT 2003

Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

> > the number of files supported by an actual system doesn't necessarily
> > have to match the value of a include-file constant on the build machine...
> Umm...
> Python was installed via FreeBSD port system, so was built on this
> machine...

but that doesn't necessarily mean that the #define in an include file
somewhere automagically picks up the kernel configuration, does it?

(a quick googling brings up some posts about FreeBSD machines with
FD_SETSIZE=256 and maxuserfiles>1024 etc.  dunno if they've made
their configuration tools smarter, but in any case, "poll" is the "right
way" to deal with large number of file handles (compared to "select",
at least -- there are better but platform-specific ways to do things
if you want to...))


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