ANN: yawPyCrypto 0.0alpha4

Heiko Wundram heikowu at
Mon Jun 2 15:04:39 EDT 2003

yawPyCrypto (yet another wrapper for PyCrypto) aims to be a more full-featured 
PyCrypto wrapper than e.g. ezPyCrypto is. It allows you to use all standard 
functions ezPyCrypto offers, but with the difference that access to parts of the 
API is factored out into distinct classes. 
This enables features like multiple recipient specification of encrypted packets, 
ascii armoring using a custom armoring routine, and several other goodies which 
the interface of ezPyCrypto hides/doesn't allow. Another goodie is that all 
conversions string to tuple and reverse, which PyCrypto requires quite a few, are 
handled using a custom serializer, which is simple enough that there shouldn't be 
any security holes as when using Pickle (which ezPyCrypto uses for most of these 

The current version of yawPyCrypto is the first real release. If the functionality
that you find in the package suits you, I would ask you to give it a try and send
me any bug reports/difficulties you experience while using it, so that I can
work on stability (which has been left behind for security and functionality so

More info, especially concerning the encoded stream layout, and additional
specifications, can be found on the website.
yawPyCrypto 0.0alpha4
Author: Heiko Wundram <heikowu at> 
License: LGPL - Lesser General Public License 
- Python 2.2.2 (or later, it should be easy to make it available for Python versions 
2.1 onwards, but I just don't have the time, and I use 2.2.2 here). 
- PyCrypto 1.9a6 (or later, which AFAICT has changed the interface to stream 
ciphers quite a bit, so I won't do any backports). 
Demo code is contained in the file itself, as functions _main*(). 
    Heiko Wundram 
    Universität 18 - Zimmer 2206 
    66123 Saarbrücken - Germany 

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