wxpython display jpg in a frame

David C. Fox davidcfox at post.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 22 17:27:19 EDT 2003

max4 wrote:

> hello
> i would like to know if there is a good tutorial about how to do this
> or if someone could explain
> thank you
> [ i want to add a jpg to an existing about dialog]

Create a wxImage from the jpg file, and then a wxBitmap from the image, 
then a wxStaticBitmap control from the bitmap.

for example,

     i = wxImage("about.jpg", wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)
     b = wxBitmapFromImage(i)
     sb = wxStaticBitmap(dialog, b, pos, size)

As usual, see the wxPython demo for more details.


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