Stopping a loop with user input. in curses

Raymond Arthur St. Marie II of III rastm2 at aol.commorespam
Tue Jul 22 04:52:03 EDT 2003

ALEX wrote

>Hello Ray,
>After trying the code, I got the same problem...

Ray says>> not really the same problem.
Last time you couldn't stop the function.
This time you couldn't get it to display with out a key press.
You see that right? : )

>...which prompted me to
>post to the newsgroup. The clock would properly display but it
>wouldn't update every second. If I hit the up-arrow key (or any
>other key besides 'q'), 

Ray says>> But did it quit or close when you would hit 'q',  
just curious.
 wait I know it did 'cuz' it does now - stupid question.Sorry.

>the program would then update the time. I
>would have to continuously hit a key to get the clock to update
>every second.

Ray says>> Good to know because the
only curses I get to work with are the 
ones I use when I am having a frusrtating
problem like you were facing. : ) 

>I have a theory about programming in curses which I've described to
>yet another Ray [...]

Ray says >> Hi Alex  

You got your answer to the second part of the problem from-- 

From: "Dr. Peer Griebel" griebel at

Credit where credit is due !

Thank you Doctor, and thank you Alex.
You both taught me that...

 if you don't HAVE half the answer then you don't haLve the answer.

Get it. 
cut in halves by a big L---ooser --> me.
little pun there      sorry
i will shut up now.

No wait a minute Yes
Yes if you don't haLve the answer then
keep breaking it down till ya do.
Thats it              I think

Ray St. Marie 
Rastm2 at 
HA =  Half Answer (problem???)
L    = link
VE = Very Easy
I'm hurting my self.
In Python there are no real problems, are there?? Just bad posts! 

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