problems in a python script

Mário Gamito webmaster at
Tue Jul 29 07:39:06 EDT 2003


I've downloaded the 30 days trial version of editize and followed the 
instructions in
to install it.

Everything runs smoothly  until the creation of as explained in 
the above link. I get an error saying

  " Script line 4
     inputvalue = inputvalue.replace("\r", "")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax"

A curious thing is that when i save it, not only i get the above error, 
but also the lines begining with double cardinal (##) are gone!!!

Also the text refers to "Note: you might need to edit the line calling 
munge in wysiwyg_support to reflect the name of your folder where all 
the Editize stuff is stored."

Where is this is done ?

Thank you in advance for your time and patience.

Warm Regards,
Mário Gamito
## Script (Python) "munge"
    ##bind container=container
    ##bind context=context
    ##bind namespace=
    ##bind script=script
    ##bind subpath=traverse_subpath

    # to guard against files that might contain only
    # returns or linefeeds, we will delete each separately
    # rather than trying: replace("\r\n", "")
    inputvalue = inputvalue.replace("\r", "")
    inputvalue = inputvalue.replace("\n", "")
    inputvalue = inputvalue.replace("'", "'")

    return inputvalue

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