installing python library modules (general question)

Matthias Baas baas at
Fri Jul 18 14:12:55 EDT 2003

On 13 Jul 2003 15:34:36 -0700, juliagoolia301 at (Julia
Goolia) wrote:
>you so much.  just so i know... adding something to /etc/ld/so/conf is
>different than setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH?  

The result should actually be the same. Maybe there was a typo when
you set the path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, this can easily happen (see
above, the config file is actually /etc/ ;-)

By the way, if you want to know how loading libraries works, have a
look at this HOWTO (section 3):

(this and more documentation can be found at "The Linux Documentation

>what do you do if you don't ave root access?

Then you actually do use LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 

- Matthias -

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