properties + types, implementing meta-class desciptors elegantly?

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Tue Jul 22 00:11:14 EDT 2003

Bengt Richter wrote:

>On 20 Jul 2003 09:39:51 -0400, aahz at (Aahz) wrote:

>I was wondering if Mike was wanting to have class C(...) with property p
>(meaning the property object is an attribute of class C or a base), and
>wanting also to have the instance dict contain the data as c.p rather
>than, say, c._p.
Well, that's a regular property.  I have lots of those.  I'm looking for 
a meta-property here.

>IOW, does he want a sneaky way to avoid seeing the underscored or otherwise
>modified names in the object, so as to have a clean dir(c)?
Yes, that's part of it.

>Other than the problem of getting the class defined in a dynamically configurable way
>via metaclasses or other machinery, c.__dict__['p'] = value_from_property_fset should
>work, IWT.  The code below does that, though a little more parameterized ;-)
Yup, it all works fine for regular instances, the question is, how to do 
it for classes in a way which as closely as possible mimics what is done 
with instances.  Michael's code is, AFAICS so far, the only stuff that 
yet addresses this.

>What I'm not getting is why a dict proxy is getting in the way, unless there is an
>attempt to use the property mechanism to store properties-as-values in a class-as-instance.
Precisely that.  Using the same general mechanism, properties of a class 
modifying instances of that class, in this case, the class is a 
meta-class and the instances are regular classes.  The problem is that 
the dict-proxy of classes gets in the way of this rather straightforward 
combination of the two concepts of "property" and "metaclass".

>If so, does he (continuing 3rd person since I'm replying to AAhz. Hi Mike ;-) 
Hi! :)

>really want
>all that dynamic meta-stuff to happen every time a class is instatiated, or should the
>classes-to-use be created once at some configuration time (maybe system start or other
>special times), and thereafter appear to be equivalent to plain valnilla manually written
>classes with properties?
I think you're imagining much simpler usage patterns than I am.  The 
basicproperty hierarchy includes such things as lazy 
calculation/retrieval of values from database, default-value calculation 
in the abscence of explicit settings, logging/change notification, 
etceteras.  I want to make those services available for the dynamically 
loaded plug-in classes (as distinct from instances of those classes) in 
such a way that it seamlessly integrates with the rest of the system and 
doesn't warp the code too horribly.

The only thing blocking that from happening is a low-level way to 
set/get attributes in a class' __dict__ without triggering the 
__setattr__ machinery.  This is a deficiency in the Python descriptors 
API that I'd like to see fixed.

The plug-in classes do tend to have large numbers of regular (non-meta) 
properties as well, BTW, but that's not interfering with anything.

>If the latter, some kind of factory module that manufactures configured classes with
>configured properties and puts them in its global name space to be used in apparently
>normal "import m; inst=m.C()" fashion would seem better than metaclass inheritance magic behind C.
>If there are other configuration times than first-import, the module could have a special
>factory functions for that, IWT (as in below). The properties of the final
>configured/manufactured classes could of course act with any degree of dynamism desired
>when accessed as attributes of the final class instances.
Not what I'm trying to do.  I have lots of mechanisms for dynamically 
creating instance properties from a database, creating them from 
data-structures, or creating them as names in class namespaces as per 
normal.  That stuff all works fine, it's the meta-properties which cause 

>BTW, do I recall somewhere seeing that defining __dict__ as a slot induces creation of
>a writable dict, and could that be used to get a dict in place of proxy for the trouble spot?
Nope, __slots__ doesn't work with type objects.

>For Mike:
>What does the following not address (I assume you can rearrange things to your taste ;-)
>that you want to do? (InfoSource is my placeholder as an example for whatever dynamic
>configuration of the ultimate class you want to do).
It doesn't create active properties on the class instances 
(meta-properties) (as far as I can see, anyway).  See my response to 
Michael's post for an example of what's being attempted.

BTW, sorry for not responding immediately, it often takes me a while to 
sit down and work through large posts with lots of code to work through 
to understand the point of the post.  Michael's code was short enough 
that I could dash off a response before dinner, while yours was 
considerably more involved and required me to set aside time to work 
through what you were doing and asking.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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