Ver 2.3 install over 2.2?

Garth Kidd garth at
Thu Jul 31 08:59:28 EDT 2003

> The reason that these extensions don't work is that VC7
> introduced incompatibilities in the C runtime library. The 
> layout for the FILE data type has changed, for example, so 
> extensions using the FILE returned by PyFile_AsFile may crash. 

Oh. Fair enough. 

I've installed VC6, and I still can't build extensions. I don't think
distutils is looking hard enough; it can't see VC6 even though I've run
VCVARS32.BAT, the environment variables are all there, and I can run CL.EXE
with no problems. 

Digging a little...

For whatever reason, I don't have any registry keys named
r"Software\Microsoft\Devstudio\6.0\Build System". I do, on the other hand,
have a convenient MSVCDIR environment variable once I run VCVARS32.BAT. 

I've submitted patch 780821:


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