Newbie question: Strange TypeError

Adrien Di Mascio Adrien.DiMascio at
Mon Jul 7 03:10:07 EDT 2003

On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 04:04:32AM +0000, Tim Isakson wrote:
> Howdy,
>     def HandleInput(self, input):
>         if self.results.GetValue() == "0":
>             return input
>         elif newVal == True:
>             return input
>         else:
>             tmpVal = self.results.GetValue() + input
>             return tmpVal
>     def OnButton1(self,e):
>         tmpVal = self.HandleInput(self, "1")
>         self.results.SetValue(tmpVal)
> The call to HandleInput is made, but I get the following error:
> Calling HandleInput(self, '1')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 115, in OnButton1
>     tmpVal = self.HandleInput(self, "1")
> TypeError: HandleInput() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
> So far as I can tell, the offending call *IS* calling HandleInput with 2
> arguments, but the interpreter obviously thinks different, and I'm at a
> loss as to why that might be.
Well, your script *IS* calling HanlderInput with 3 arguments since
there is the 'hidden' object instance as first argument. You must not
explicitly pass the 'self' argument, Python will do it for you, so
just call : 

         tmpVal = self.HandleInput("1")

Hope this helps.


Adrien Di Mascio
LOGILAB, Paris (France).

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