Python vs PHP

Joshua Schmidlkofer menion at
Thu Jul 10 14:24:33 EDT 2003

> You are probably right.  I only given a casual look at PHP, so
> I can't comment on the language, but I believe you :-). However, 
> PHP does come with a default (and only) web framework. This
> obviously makes it easy to get started than to experiment with
> Spyce or CherryPy or Cheetah or WebWare or any of the twenty
> different alternatives.
> Looking at it from the perspective of a PHP developer who's
> looking into Python as an alternative. Python doesn't provides
> her an out of the box solution yet. Think about what the
> bewildering list of choices mean to her. This is not only issue
> for development but also for deployment.

yeah, well right some nice looping code in PHP.  Like loop over 30 or 40
rows in a database, format and display it.   Then write it in python.  
vast difference.

OTOH I really don't use PHP anymore, and I don't know if they cleaned up
the more recent versions.


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