Reading an image file data.........

Egor Bolonev ebolonev at
Thu Jul 3 11:04:34 EDT 2003

Hello, Suresh!
You wrote  on 3 Jul 2003 13:49:41 -0000:

 SK> Hi,
 SK>    I scanned a page of my textbook and stored as a JPEG file. Now 
 SK> i want to read a text from the JPEG image which is at some 
 SK> location, say from (100,100) to (300,300). How can i read it? I am 
 SK> using PIL module for image handling and tkinter. Moreover i am new 
 SK> to PIL module.  Is it possible to read a text from a JPEG file in 
 SK> python/tkinter?

Do you know what the OCR is?

[Sorry, skipped] 

With best regards, Egor Bolonev.  E-mail: ebolonev at [ru eo en]

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