Building Python - how to set include and lib paths?

Curly Joe woooee at
Thu Jul 3 15:58:16 EDT 2003

Lack Mr G M wrote (snipped):
I'm trying to build (compile and link) Python2.2.3,
However, I need to indicate where it can find various
library and header files for other extensions which I
have already built (things like ssl etc.).

There are two simple ways that I know of:
1 - add it to, and export the PYTHONPATH variable -
mine is in ~/.bash_profile on a Gentoo Linux box. 
Your shell and/or profile file name may be different.
2 - probably not what you want, but
.../python/site_python should be in your PYTHONPATH
and so you could place you programs there.

There probably is a way to compile it in, but I prefer
to use the PYTHONPATH solution as it is simple and
straight forward. HTH

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