Python voting demo discussion

Alan Dechert adechert at
Mon Jul 21 03:44:42 EDT 2003

Thanks for the interesting discussion yesterday afternoon about the voting
software development project I am working on putting together.

Almost all of the discussion had nothing to do with my question, but that's
okay.  Actually, I knew it would probably go that was but I could not very
well say, "don't ask me all those other questions."  It was reasonable for
you to ask.

Ian Bicking and Andrew Dalke did say they thought Python should be fine for
the demo but I didn't get much detail about why we should prefer it over
some of the other possibilities:  HTML, XML, Perl, Java, PHP, C, C++, C#, C,

If you have anything to add regarding this specific issue, I would be
interested to hear it.

Thanks again for your time.

-- Alan Dechert

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