Python scripting with Paint Shop Pro 8.0

David Bolen db3l at
Mon Jul 21 17:06:18 EDT 2003

"Greg Brunet" <gregbrunet at> writes:

> 3) Interestingly, I can't find any sign of a JascApp.* file anywhere.  I
> would expect to see a PYC or PYD given the Import command, but being a
> relative newbie myself, don't have a good understanding of how this
> could be.  But, hey - it seems to work, so I won't complain.

This would work if they "embedded" Python rather than "extending" it.
Using Python as an embedded scripting engine, the embedding
application (probably the main PSP executable) can define whatever
modules it wants as built-in modules prior to executing Python code.
The "modules" actually exist right in the executable that is starting
the Python interpreter.

If true, then it would make it less likely you could use that
functionality from an externally initiated Python script, since that
script wouldn't have started from the right environment containing
those built-in modules.

-- David

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