Python speed vs csharp

David M. Cooke cookedm+news at
Thu Jul 31 17:08:55 EDT 2003

At some point, Mike <mike at> wrote:
> Here's the chunk of code that I'm spending most of my time executing:
> # Rational approximation for erfc(x) (Abramowitz & Stegun, Sec. 7.1.26)
> # Fifth order approximation. |error| <= 1.5e-7 for all x
> #
> def erfc( x ):
>    p  =  0.3275911
>    a1 =  0.254829592
>    a2 = -0.284496736
>    a3 =  1.421413741
>    a4 = -1.453152027
>    a5 =  1.061405429
>    t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p*float(x))
>    erfcx = ( (a1 + (a2 + (a3 +
>              (a4 + a5*t)*t)*t)*t)*t ) * math.exp(-(x**2))
>    return erfcx

With python2.2, a million iterations takes 9.93 s on my machine.
With python2.3, 8.13 s.

Replacing float(x) with just x (multiplying by p (a float) is enough to
coerce x to a float), with python 2.3 I'm down to 6.98 s. Assigning
math.exp to a global variable exp cuts this down to 6.44 s:

exp = math.exp
def erfc(x):
    t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p*x)
    erfcx = ... * exp(-x**2)
    return erfcx

You can go a little further and look up ways of optimising the
polynomial evaluation -- Horner's method is a good, general-purpose
technique, but you can get faster if you're willing to put some effort
into it. I believe Ralston and Rabonwitz's numerical analysis book has
a discussion on this (sorry, I don't have the complete reference; the
book's at home).

That's about the best you can do in pure python.

Now look at how you're calling this routine. Can you call it on a
bunch of numbers at once? Using Numeric arrays (,
calling the above routine on an array of a million numbers takes
1.6 s. Calling it 1000 times on an array of 1000 numbers takes 0.61 s.

Using erfc from scipy.special, this takes 0.65 s on a array of a
million numbers. Scipy (from is a library of
scientific tools, supplementing Numeric. I believe the routine it uses
for erfc comes from the Cephes library (, which has
a error < 3.4e-14 for x in (-13,0). Calling it 1000 times on an array
of 1000 numbers takes 0.43 s.

(Ok, I don't know why 1000 times on arrays of 1000 numbers is twice as
fast as once on an array of 1000*1000 numbers.)

Extrapolating from your numbers, your C program is 28x faster. Using
scipy.special.erfc on moderate-sized arrays is 18.9x faster. That's
pretty good :)

For numerical codes in Python, I *strongly* suggest that you use
Numeric (or numarray, it's successor). It's _much_ better to pass 1000
numbers around as a aggregate, instead of 1 number 1000 times.

|David M. Cooke

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