Archetypes beta2 Announcement

alan runyan runyaga at
Fri Jul 18 12:11:01 EDT 2003

Announcement: Archetypes 1.0beta2

The Plone/CMF Collective communities have released Archetypes 1.0beta2
tarball.  By leadership of Sidnei da Silva (and financial support from
AGM Web consulting) the Archetypes project is rapidly moving to a 1.0
stable release.  The Archetypes project was created by Benjamin Saller
for use with the Plone/CMF to ease content-type creation by
programmers.  It now evolves and has a unique place in the Plone/CMF
universe.  It defines a schema like language and will dynamically
generate class definitions on Zope startup.  The schema language is in
python and allows you specify the attribute name, accessor, mutator,
constraints, transformation policy, marshalling policy, i18n policy as
well as storage policy!  All features are in production use but have
not been extensively tested by the community.  The biggest obstacle is
(lack of) documentation which we are looking for financial/community
support to resolve this critical issue.

Please download the latest tarball, install it into your Plone site,
and read the README.  You will be able to create content objects with
minimal amounts of code (see ArchetypesExample in the tarball).  And
for people who use UML look at the ArchGenXML that will take XMI input
files and generate the Archetypes schema; you can actually model your
content objects in UML and with a click of a button have them appear
in your Plone site!

Please give feedback to the archetypes-developers mailing list
(archetypes-devel at and reports bugs to:


ChangeLog Notes:

The Archetypes Team

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