Python vs PHP

Afanasiy abelikov72 at
Tue Jul 8 12:04:21 EDT 2003

On Tue, 08 Jul 2003 15:56:58 GMT, Afanasiy <abelikov72 at> wrote:

>On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 13:47:00 +0300, Catalin <ady982 at>

>A couple other slight issues :
>* catch-all error handling not as flexible or non-existent
>* no equivalent to php_value auto_prepend_file "_header.php"
>* no equivalent to php_value auto_append_file "_footer.php"
>* not as intelligent form value handling
>* white space sensitivity is a unique problem when embedding

I think I should add import, pythonpath and module caching to this list.
These are much more annoying than PHP's inclusion mechanisms. I am even
annoyed in non-web applications by them quite often, but not necessarily
all at the same time.

Also add to the list, the need for PyChecker. You must run PyChecker
to discover errors which would occur on a section of logic being hit
which contained a silly typographical error. PHP would discover these
without them being hit, when you were developing the page.

Python is more beautiful and more powerful, but for this purpose I
consider the current implementations still lacking compared to PHP.
So much so that I am unable to bring myself to write new PHP, but
unable to continue using Python until I find the perfect implementation.


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