object instance data to docbook, xml, pdf, etc?

Harry George harry.g.george at boeing.com
Thu Jul 10 13:49:16 EDT 2003

We traverse a database to find complex data objects, and place them
temporarily in python objects.  From there we want to generate xml,
html, pdf.  The results are generally in tabular format, with
appropriate headers/footers, narrative.

The obvious path is to go to xml-based docbook and from there to
desired reports.  Are there any tools which ease to generation of the
initial docbook files?   Or another path altogether?

Notice that this is NOT the same as traversing the python code to
generate module documentation, a la PyDoc.  We are outputting the
instance data, sort of like Gnosis xml_objectify, but to docbook DTD.

harry.g.george at boeing.com
6-6M31 Knowledge Management
Phone: (425) 294-8757

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