feature request: a better str.endswith

Hartmut Goebel h.goebel at goebel-consult.de
Mon Jul 21 06:01:22 EDT 2003

Skip Montanaro schrieb:

> I suggest you submit a feature request to SF.  

+1 from me :-)

This is a commonly used case. Using things like stripext() is only a 
solution for this specific case where filename-extensions are matched.

Michele: I suggesz menatoning this in the feature-request or simple use 
a different example (not based on filename extension.)

Hartmut Goebel
| Hartmut Goebel             | IT-Security -- effizient |
| h.goebel at goebel-consult.de | www.goebel-consult.de    |

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