Encoding error

Casey Kohrt ckohrt at igsb.uiowa.edu
Mon Jul 14 10:56:00 EDT 2003

I get the following error for the list item below.  I know I have to encode
it, but am unsure how or where to write that in.  I am new to python and
have had good luck thus far.  Any help is greatly apprecieated.  I am not on
the list, so a response to me is appreciated.

UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)   

    eainfo = doc.createElement("eainfo")
    overview = doc.createElement("overview")
    eaover = doc.createElement("eaover")
    text = doc.createTextNode(str(list[83]))

Casey Kohrt
GIS Librarian
Iowa Geological Survey 
109 Trowbridge Hall
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
ckohrt at igsb.uiowa.edu

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