How to crash Python in 1 easy step (python 2.2.2)

Jeff Epler jepler at
Sun Jul 13 16:40:38 EDT 2003

On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 10:44:41AM -0700, Paul Miller wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is a python bug or a bug in an associated
> library, and I'm not even sure how to correctly report it, but here is

Doesn't happen here.  What terminal (xterm, kterm, gnome-terminal,
console?) and what LANG is set in your environment?

If you run 'od -c' at the shell, then hit ctrl-shift-enter then ctrl-d,
what does it show?  I'd expect to see something very much like this:
	$ od -c

	0000000  \n
that is, even with the modifier keys, the program only sees a normal
newline character.

What happens if you type ctrl-shift-enter to another readline-linked
program (for instance 'bc', an infix calculator)?  Do you get the same

Does the behavior change if you run 'cat | python' and then press
ctrl-shift-enter?  This will avoid importing readline (and another
side-effect is to suppress the normal ">>>" prompt of the interative


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