which postgresql DB-API for python?

Gerhard Häring gerhard.haering at gmx.de
Fri Jan 3 12:12:02 EST 2003

Oliver Vecernik wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to write a small database app and found a lot of DB-API's:
> * pygresql
> * popy
> * pgsql
> * psycopg
> * pypgsql
> Which on should I use?

pyPgSQL (or psycopg), but I'm biased (see .signature) ;-)

> Are there any main advantages for one of them? 

pyPgSQL has some interesting features, like the ability to set a
transaction isolation level, an implementation of the NUMERIC type on
the client side, Unicode support, and other goodies.

It also wraps the low-level PostgreSQL API in a module called libpq.
But if you want to use the DB-API module, this is just an
implementation detail ;-)

psycopg is optimized for heavily multithreaded applications.

I don't know what you mean with 'pgsql'.

> Why are there such a lot of implementations. Does none of them fit all 
> requirements?

This really depends on the exact requirements.

> I'd like to use my app on Linux (Debian/Woody)

Woody's (and testing's :-( ) pyPgSQL is still at version 2.0. If you
need newer features, like Unicode it seems like you'll currently need
to upgrade to version 2.3 manually.

> and on Windows (W2K/XP) together with wxWindows.

pyPgSQL is the only one to offer a win32 port readily available. But
I've seen a win32 version of psycopg mentioned on its mailing list.

Favourite database:             http://www.postgresql.org/
Favourite programming language: http://www.python.org/
Combine the two:                http://pypgsql.sf.net/
Embedded database for Python:   http://pysqlite.sf.net/

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