Service Control

Hutchins, Mike mhutchins at
Fri Jan 31 08:55:54 EST 2003

Actually, I was a little caffeinated when I wrote this, hence all kinds
of bad form for someone requesting assistance.

I have a small script that kills computer browser services and changes
some reg keys. The only problem is that if it runs against a Windows XP
machine, it requires the machine name as an argument. Here is an

This works against NT/W2K, but not XP
aWS = string.replace(line, "\n", " ") # replace newlines by spaces
    aReg = ConnectRegistry(aWS,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
    aKey = OpenKey(aReg,
r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters", 0,
KEY_ALL_ACCESS) # KEY_SET_VALUE doesn't work here
    aValue1 = QueryValueEx(aKey, aDM)
    aValue2 = QueryValueEx(aKey, aMSL)

    win32serviceutil.StopService(aSvcName) # No machine name or variable
required here it knows it already

This works for XP
aWS = string.replace(line, "\n", " ") # replace newlines by spaces
    aReg = ConnectRegistry(aWS,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
    aKey = OpenKey(aReg,
r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters", 0,
KEY_ALL_ACCESS) # KEY_SET_VALUE doesn't work here
    aValue1 = QueryValueEx(aKey, aDM)
    aValue2 = QueryValueEx(aKey, aMSL)

    win32serviceutil.StopService(aSvcName, aWS) # needs the actual name
of the machine as an argument

So I sorta have it figured out, just not why it behaves like that..

Thanks, and in the future, I will try to ask all of my newbie questions
the way they should be asked. =:-)

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