Unicode error in exefied Python script

Tim Daneliuk tundra at tundraware.com
Mon Jan 20 11:40:07 EST 2003

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Tim Daneliuk <tundra at tundraware.com> writes:
>>        s += Name of a file
> [...]
>>I got the error you mentioned. After poking at it for a while, I
>>discovered that the Win32 API was returning *Unicode* strings, but all
>>my stuff was in ASCII. What was truly wierd about it is that the error
>>didn't get thrown until the last s += statement, even though the error
>>was introduced in the Win32Result statement. Python GURUS: Any idea why
>>this is??????
> Most likely, "Name of a file" was not an ASCII string, but a byte
> string containing non-ASCII characters. As s was already a Unicode
> object, that byte string was converted to Unicode, which failed.

Exactly right - So when concatenating strings like I did above,
Python always promotes the result to the 'higher' type?

> You could also have solved this by writing
>    s += unicode(Name of file, encoding that your operating system uses
>    for file names)

This too appears to work as you suggest.  Is there some portable way
to determine the codepage in use on Win32 and posix systems?

Tim Daneliuk
tundra at tundraware.com

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