Problem: Need help!! - thanks

Mongryong Mongryong at
Wed Jan 22 18:29:51 EST 2003

I'm running RedHat 8 and it comes with Python2.2.1.  However, I do all
MY work with Python2.2.2.  The RedHat Python2.2.1 is installed in
/usr/bin while my Python2.2.2 is installed in /usr/local/bin.  I do this
just in-case there are some compatibitiy issues.  For example, RedHat 8
installs and uses PyXML 0.6.6 but if you update to PyXML to 0.8.1, a lot
of the RedHat tools don't work anymore.

On RedHat, its a good idea to separate the RedHat distribution from your
own personally installed apps to prevent incompatibility issues.  My
suggestion is to only use the RedHat certified RPMs to update your
Redhat distribution (/usr).  Keep all you personal apps in /usr/local/

Since RedHat 8 hasn't provided an update for Python2.1 (/usr/bin), I
doubt that they have provided an update for RedHat 7.3 to use
Python2.2.  I think that is your problem.  If this is the case, you
should re-install the Python that comes with 7.3 and install the new
Python2.2 in /usr/local/bin. 

On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 17:50, ron-breon wrote:
> I received the following message when invoking redhat-config-users (User Manager)..
> I am running RedHat Linux 7.3 and keep up with all the updates...
>  I tried to run User Manager and received the following messages and User
>  Manager no longer works and I can't find out what is wrong... Any
>  Ideas??
>  Messages:
>  file "/usr/share/redhat-config-users/". line 25, in ? import libuser
>  ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ undefiined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUTF8String
> Sent note to python-list based on the following respnse.. thanks Brentt C.
> Looks like a C extension module that Red Hat distributes (you can tell it
> isn't a part of Python because it is in the site-packages directory) is
> missing the definition of a variable.  Without access to the original C
> code there is nothing anyone can do.
> It would be best to ask this question on python-list at (this
> address is for web site related issues only).  That list is a gatewary to
> comp.lan.python and you have a better chance of getting help there.  And
> since it is a Red Hat issue chances are you are not the only person to
> have run into it and thus there is most likely someone out there with an
> answer for you.
> -Brett C.

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