Tk: How would I add an accelerator on a button/label in tkinter

morden morden at
Mon Jan 13 21:33:23 EST 2003

Derk Gwen wrote:

> # How could I make the button pressed when user presses Alt-P
> # on the keyboard? I saw accelerators on menus in Tk screenshots
> # found on the web but I haven't seen any on standalone buttons.
> # Is there any way to get those?
> All a menu accelerator is is a comment on the displayed menu. To actually
> implement the accelerator, you bind the key sequence to a command. 

Is there a platform independent way of doing this or I should
use X11 specific commands for this?

> This
> binding is independent of whether there is button or menu that does the
> same thing.

In example accelerators are set with unerline=X command:

from Tkinter import *                              # get widget classes
from Dialog  import Dialog

class Hello(Frame):                                # an extended frame
     def __init__(self, parent=None):               # attach to top-level?
         Frame.__init__(self, parent)               # do superclass init
         self.createWidgets()                       # attach frames/widgets
         self.master.title("Buttons and Menus")     # set window-manager 
         self.master.iconname("tkpython")           # label when iconified

     def createWidgets(self):
         Label(self, text='Hello menu/toolbar world').pack(padx=30, pady=30)

     def makeToolBar(self):
         toolbar = Frame(self, cursor='hand2', relief=SUNKEN, bd=2)
         toolbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
         Button(toolbar, text='Quit',  command=self.quit 
         Button(toolbar, text='Hello', 

     def makeMenuBar(self):
         self.menubar = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=2)
         self.menubar.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)

     def fileMenu(self):
         mbutton = Menubutton(self.menubar, text='File', underline=0)
         menu = Menu(mbutton)
         menu.add_command(label='New...',  command=self.notdone)
         menu.add_command(label='Open...', command=self.notdone)
         menu.add_command(label='Quit',    command=self.quit, underline=0)
         mbutton['menu'] = menu
         return mbutton

     def editMenu(self):
         mbutton = Menubutton(self.menubar, text='Edit', underline=0)
         menu = Menu(mbutton)
         menu.add_command(label='Cut',   command=self.notdone)
         menu.add_command(label='Paste', command=self.notdone)

         submenu = Menu(menu)
         submenu.add_command(label='Spam', command=self.notdone)
         submenu.add_command(label='Eggs', command=self.greeting)
         menu.add_cascade(label='Stuff', menu=submenu)

         menu.add_command(label='Delete', command=self.greeting)
         menu.entryconfig(2, state=DISABLED)
         mbutton['menu'] = menu
         return mbutton

     def greeting(self):
         Dialog(self, title  = 'greeting',
                      text   = 'Howdy',
                      bitmap = '', default=0, strings=('hi',))

     def notdone(self):
         Dialog(self, title  = 'Not implemented',
                      text   = 'Not yet available',
                      bitmap = 'error', default=0, strings=('OK',))

     def quit(self):
         ans = Dialog(self, title   = 'Verify quit',
                            text    = 'Are you sure you want to quit?',
                            bitmap  = 'question',
                            default = 1,
                            strings = ('Yes', 'No'))
         if ans.num == 0: Frame.quit(self)

if __name__ == '__main__':  Hello().mainloop()    # if I'm run as a script

Alt-F works to get File submenu!

However when I tried to modify driver in (from Tkinter?):
if __name__ == '__main__':
     t = Button(None, {'text': 'Test',
                       'command': _test,
                       Pack: {}}, underline=1)
     q = Button(None, {'text': 'Quit',
                       'command': t.quit,
                       Pack: {}})

Underline was drawn under 'e' in Test
but Alt-e did not activate the button. I've checked code in 
but there does not seem to be handling for Alt-? sequences marked by 
underlines. Where could I look further?

Thank you!

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