Accessing a file in a network drive (python under win32)

Aki Niimura akineko at
Wed Jan 22 12:49:38 EST 2003

Hi everyone,

I'm porting a program written in Unix to Windows environment.

When I tried to open a file in a network drive (which is from SAMBA server) 
using tkFileDialog.askopenfile(), I got the following error message:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '//Evelyn/ms_share/python_win32/jt

However ...
(1) It won't complain if I access a file in a local drive (ex) 'C:/config.sys'

(2) I can open the file from IDLE Python Shell
>>> fd = open('//Evelyn/ms_share/python_win32/jtag/', 'r')

Does anybody have an idea what is going on here?
I'm not export on Windows. But why can't Windows be more like Unix?

Any info would be highly appreciated.


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